Terms of Service

• Replacements will only be given if we believe the issue is on our side.

• If any tool / bot gets patched, stops working or gets leaked. We are NOT required to give you a refund, a replacement or an update.

• If you kick any of the boosting accounts or your anti-raid bot kicks them I will NOT replace boosts.

• If a promotion ends or a promotion is revoked by discord, I am ** NOT** responsible and you will NOT receive a refund or a replacement. This applies to promotion links, nitro tokens and server boosts.

• Age tokens at your OWN risk.

• Do NOT log in to the tokens manually as there is a high chance the token will get flagged or locked if logged in manually. Use good tools and good proxies. Do NOT use flagged tools.

• If you had overpaid in Crypto/PayPal/Stripe or any other payment method, all the extra money is being accepted as a donation. No refunds/extra products are going to be given.

• You will receive no support after leaving a bad feedback, unless or until you change it.

• You have to inform about the replace or refund under 2hrs or we won't provide you anything